Sunday 29 December 2013

he abroad to PAKISTAN for 4 months.

yap ! about the title. gosh ! so what do you feel if someone that you love most fly to oversea for 4 months and left you in malaysia alone!? hopeefully you will not traumatized. huh. hmm, so the story begins as the spm examinations finish on  27 nov 2013.  that evening , he came to my house to give the invitation wedding card of his sister. suprisingly , he also brought for me a gift for pakistan. err? actually he just brought the gift last dec 2012. let you imagined... for how long he kept the gift just to make a suprise ? aaahhhhhhhh~ to long ! haha. okay, then , as I open the gift , it's only a lace cloth that he brought from pakistan. it was so beautiful eventhough I doesn't love it. hihihi. :D oh yaa ! what got me shocked is he drove a car to come to my house ! hahaha :v so cutee maa ! <3 we talked each other for awhile. hmm, then he said '' after my sister wedding , a week later on saturday, abg will fly to pakistan , hopefully syg will not be sad . :( yaa, of course I would miss him. ''when you will come back to malaysia?'' said me. ''2014 march :).'' he answered. The answered was make me moree sad and dissappointed..............................the story stops here. :P I'm sorry if there were grammars/tenses/words mistakes. haha. it's has been a month I didn't writting. okay , I've got to go , see you then. bye !

Monday 16 April 2012

draaaaaaamaaaaaaaaa competition ! excited !

 hooooooiiiiiiiiiii! lama gilaaa kot tk update nehh...hadoyyyy.... sjak akhir2 ni kan kan.... brkaitan entitle dkt tuuu...huuu...wednesday is the big day for me... little bit of nervous..but i try for my best.. bfore that , chess tournament....pnat woo...lg2 lwan dgn bdk negeri hui..smbongg nk mmpusss.... seriously aku ckp... bengang gilaa kott..kalau korg kan,apa korg rasa kalau kne jeling or apa2 lahh.. mcm bget bguss je budakk tuh.. urgh.. sbar jelahh kan..after chess, straight practice drama.. non stop wehh... peh peh peeehhh! haha.. drama practice hnya 2 weeks je kot... hebat takkk? kau adeee? hhahaha...hiuhh...spanjang aku tkda apa korg buat? rindu aku tak? aku rindu gilaa dkt kwn blog aku..wlaupun tk rmai..huhu..miss u guys..emm,,nk cte apa lagi ehh..byk niii. tp tk tahu nk mulakan dari mana..huu :( life full of happiness and sadness... butt, what ever we face, we must go on for the best..thanx kpd kwn2 aku yg memahami aku wlaupun prangai mmbuatkn korg skit hati.. im so sorry.. as u knoe who am i, i wnt everythings would be perfect..

secnd: to my dearest zafran,

jgn jeles sgt tau matured..i wnt the best for you.. spnjang hdup syg, syg nak bby happy dgn syg.. syg jji tk kn tglkn bby aslong as u promise not leaving me alone..bhasa tunggang lnggang neh.. huhu.. its okay rite..
oklah, nk out..cik nurulsyafiqa suruh kita buat keje you friend..muchh... mmuaaahhh left right..i hope our relationship kekal kwnn... aminnnn...byee.... tke cre to all of youu~  xD

Thursday 12 January 2012

feelin learning of physics,chemis,bio~

awk~hehe..good sya nk cerita pasl kt skolah aku blajar lah physics..ingt kn senang sperti yg disngkakn..tupp2,,agk hard lah i'll try my bestt untuk lakukn yg terbaik.. physics bkait rapat dgn +math..wahh,menarik tuh..haha..korg tk nk blajar kea? pulakk?em? ada kira senang lah jgk.. tp nxt year ckg ckp kitaorg kne buat pameran haiwan..haha..kne bedah2 lah,tuh lah,ni lah.. haha..kwn2 aku dh aku tk..aku lg suka...sama mcm akasha...haha....i love play with blood~ haha.. bungekk!aku sbenarnya bru blik dari latihan mrentas desa..hiuhh! penat jgk lah...mucukk tk kite?hehe.. kite memg pmucukk puns..gems kite yg pgl..heheh..rindu dkt diaa sgt2 neh...hehe...papepun hope korg bhagia lah kay...opps! yaa..lupa nk ckp psal chemis..chemis kne byk hfal bestt..bleh buat mnyk wngi sndri..dgn ada nya pengetahuan dn ilmu...huhu..emm?nk mndi neh..krg lg mucukk pulakk..hehe..tata..aslmkm...tke cre...

Wednesday 11 January 2012

my superdupperdoubletripplehero! i miss you!

heloww,,dh lma tk update blog neh..dh tk tau apa dh jd dah..haha..first of all i'm thanx to god cz dpt msuk kelas yg ok...wlaupun tpksa dn di pksa..huhu..korg mcm mana ?ok?haha..hemm....second, i miss my little boy...awk2,nk tau tk?emm...tkda papelah..haha..wekk..umm, miss u a lot...kpd awk yg bkenaan:
bila awk nk blik?
sya rindu awk...rindu giler2!
tiap hari sya fk kn awk taukkk!
tke cre okay kt sne..
jgn nkal2..
then,ingt pesan saya tau..sya ingt pesan awk jgk..
i love u so muchh

okay kita tukar topic kt skola plakk kay..
 ni kt skola...aku tk tau kwn aku sindir aku ke tk aku snyp nk msuk cmpur.. buat dosa je..baik lah sgt hahah. kidding. 
dedicated to: syud,scha,eyqa omar,yana,izza,nurul,tasha,syida and other who know me..
awk semua,saya bkn tk nk tegur awk tp i have smethin that i can't tell at u all lah sygg...i tk smbong cuma u all snyp, i pun snyp nk byk ckp..kita tkot kte salah ckp kt awk semua..tuh yg kita semenjak,dua menjak,tiga menjak neh kita snyp je..kalau awk semua tegur saya,pasti sya akan tegur awk semua...kita tk bmksud pun nk smbong ke apa ke....cuma kita ada msalah mental dan fizikal skit ... sorry sgt2...okayy2.... kita sygg awk semua wlaupun kdg2 awk ada buat slah kt kita ke or pape jelah...understand me...  kita kdg2 memg mcm neh sjak bila tah...hemm..oklah..nk siapkn keje skolah neh..bye..

Monday 2 January 2012

become a senior 2012~

hai korg...wats up day more i will become a senior...excited doe...haha...gler, korg what's your feelin when next year you all become a senior? nervous?excited?sad bcoz u all akn mnghadapi the big exam? yg malang nya adk2 aku suma satu skola dgn aku..bengang tk bengang..haishh... for me, aku lg suka..haha...semua org ada ambition rite?same with me lah..i wnt to be language lecture...english...but, skrng rmai sgt jd lecture kn kn kn.. year aku nk fcus betul2 nih...nk fight MUHD AMIR ZAFRAN tuh...hehe...dia slalu lah jgk advice me 
* focus dalam class.
* jgn tido dlm class ( jgn jd mcm diaa coz diaa dh pndai)haha..
*jgn ingt diaa dlm class ( ok abgg)
*jgn termenung..(err ? -,- ! )
* dan tu jelah....hehe...
*syg abgg sgt2...hehe...
aku doa aku akn bjaya dlm khidupan...amin..hehe...thank you to my parents,akak,and lovely boy that always support me... thank you so muchh lah....tkda korg,tk tau jd apa kt aku...haha...caw...lot a love, mr. fluffy~

Tuesday 27 December 2011

at the eleventh hour vacation

heyyo, u all...haha..thiss week seriously pnt gler coz bjalan dgn along,angah yg bru blik dri ausie,abg shah.ibu n abah dn adik2...kteorg pegi cameron...haha...sjukk glerr woi....wlaupun cuti dh nk hbiss, tp still rmai org bcuti bwk anak2 mereka...ingtkn nk self puckling strawberry tp strawberries nya dh hbiss..huem,,very dissappointed .. we all pergi kbun teh dkt brinchang kot, tk pasti....seriously,,mengucap aku naik tnah tnggi + kesejukkn gyat + nikmat tuhan yg tk trhingga ....huhu..bnafas dgn udara segar, tmbh pula hruman daun teh,dn strawberry..hehe...smpai kt puncak , suasana memg totally SEJUKK NAK MAMPUSS .. haha..korg mesti pnah pergi pnya kn kn kn.. tp aku bget tk sjukk knon nya dgn tk pkai sweater..haha..pdhal bdn aku dh sjukk...haha,,,pergi jam, blik pun jam..haha...pnass punggung oi...then kteorg brgmbar dkt orchid planting... bunga kt situ lawa sgt2..astarghfirullah,nikmat tuhan mana lg kau mhu mom shoppin byk gler,just beli strawberry dh $100++ rasanya...haha..aku diamkn diri jelah..haha...kteorg lepass dri kesesakan lalu lintas dkt pkul 7 ptg....blik ikot tapah...bhaya betull jalan diaa+ tnah runtuh lg..wktu nk blik tuh aku smpai ngess2 ...tkot nk tgk gaung..abah pula asik dngki aku je.. -,- ! huh...asik kne buli je...sdih2...haha..tu jelah storry yg agak sakai skit..haha..bye2 ...

dedicated to : bestfriends, and my lovely boy..
                    : aku ada belikn korg smethin. mybe bg korg tk sberapa lah...haha...choyy....